Use Magma Math in locked mode through Trelson

With Trelson and Magma Math, you can create a focused learning environment where students can dive deep into the world of math without distractions. Let’s explore how you can allow your students to work with Magma Math on their Chromebooks in a locked mode through Trelson.

Magma Math – A tool for teaching mathematics

With over 60,000 exercises and a unique solving interface, Magma Math provides teachers and students with the opportunity to explore mathematics in an interactive and engaging manner. By providing access to rich material and personalized support, Magma Math enables teachers to differentiate instruction and meet each student where they are.

The benefits of locking down students’ Chromebooks

Locking down students’ Chromebooks with Trelson provides several benefits for learning. By eliminating distractions from the internet and other exciting things on the devices, students can fully focus on the mathematics in front of them. This not only increases their productivity but also their ability to absorb, practice, and understand mathematical concepts without interruptions.

To utilize Magma Math within Trelson’s locked mode, your organization or school must hold licenses for both platforms.